Please select at least 1 country or destination.
Please select a valid departure and return date.
Please input traveller age(s) from 0 to 120.

Please Note - If you are cruising around Australia you need to select Pacific.
With Regions, variances can apply for Bali, Indonesia, Japan and Middle East.
You are not required to enter stop-over countries if your stop-over is less than 48 hours.

Compare Travel Insurance Travel Insurance Tips New Zealand Travel Insurance Claims Infographic

New Zealand Travel Insurance Claims Infographic

Does it surprise you that so far this year, the highest number of claims have been for incidents occuring in the USA? 

Unfortunately not all trips go to plan, at least with the right travel insurance you can claim compensation for your holiday disasters.

What would you do if you were faced with a humongous medical bill like the claim of $47,051 that was just paid?

New Zealand travel insurance claims 2014 infographic

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