Cruise with caution: The secrets of life at sea
Dodgy dinners, cramped conditions, and ghastly bouts of gastro can turn your nautical adventure into a nightmare. Dive in to find out the most common cruise calamities and how to prevent them...
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You’ll put on weight
The average passenger puts on a pound a day on a cruise. With 16,000 delicious meals consumed on a cruise ship each day it’s easy to ‘sea’ why!
You may contract a stomach bug (or worse, norovirus!)
Cruise passengers risk contracting gastroenteritis due to poor hygiene, close quarters and food contamination. Watch out for those dodgy, day-old prawns!
You may develop land sickness
Also known as MdDS, this rare syndrome targets women and leads to a persistent sense of motion after a boat trip. For some, symptoms can last for years!
You could fall overboard
On an average year, 20 people fall off cruise ships! While the odds of going overboard are slim passengers should avoid drinking excessively and use their common sense.
You could catch a tropical disease
Mosquitoes are just as likely to hop on board, bringing with them exotic illnesses like dengue fever and chikungunya. Stock up on repellent and layer up.
Your bed might bug you
Uncomfortable beds, are a common cruise complaint. Even worse unwanted bed guests such as bed bugs can ruin your trip at sea.
You’ll get sunburnt
Just picture it; you’re by the pool, cocktail in hand, wind in your hair… burning to a crisp! Reflection from the water can increase sun exposure, so slather on the SPF.
You’ll get seasick
Don’t rock the boat baby. Turbulent seas can turn resilient tummies upside down. Be sure to pack anti-sickness tablets, eat little and often, and look out to the horizon when nauseous.
You could catch an STD
Hello sailor! Cruise ships have reportedly been swept by sexually transmitted diseases in recent years and passengers are urged to take ‘in date, good-quality condoms’.
Nautical numbers
Whether you're a steadfast sailor or just finding your sea legs, get to know the ropes with these crazy cruise facts!
- The world’s largest cruise ship, the Harmony of the sea at 1,188 ft is longer than the height of the Eiffel Tower!
- Most cruise ships do not have a deck 13 due to popular superstitions.
- A 112 day world cruise on the QE2 costs a whopping $18,300!
- A week’s worth of supplies on a cruise ship can include up to 46,800 eggs!
Cruise control: tips for smooth sailing
Seasickness, sunburn and stomach flu shouldn’t deter you from sailing the seven seas. A few basic health measures will ensure your trip stays on course!
Snack smart: Get on board with nutritional, preservative-free snacks to keep you satiated.
Sealed and fresh is best: Stick to bottled water, freshly cooked meals and peelable fruits.
Hygiene helper: Always wash your hands, use sanitiser and limit person-to-person contact.
Deter the drink: Too many tipples can send your sea legs off balance- drink in moderation.
Keep active: Use on-board gyms, walk around the deck and explore the local shores.
Protect yourself: If you’re going to get frisky out at sea, make sure you’re being safe.
Be prepared: Get vaccinated pre-trip and pack repellent, sunscreen and sea-sickness tablets.